According to Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, the popular messaging application has reached a significant milestone by becoming profitable. This announcement came on Monday when Durov revealed that the company’s revenue had surpassed $1 billion in 2024. This marks a major achievement for Telegram, considering its humble beginnings and rapid growth over the years.
One of the key factors contributing to Telegram’s profitability is its premium subscription service, which was launched in 2022 and has attracted over 12 million paid subscribers to date. This steady stream of revenue has helped the company build a strong financial foundation, with Durov reporting that Telegram now boasts over $500 million in financial reserves. This impressive figure does not even include the company’s crypto assets, which have also seen substantial growth in recent years.
In addition to its financial success, Telegram has also made strides in reducing its debt burden. Durov shared that the company had issued around $2 billion in debt over the past four years but was able to take advantage of favorable bond pricing this autumn to repay a significant portion of it. While this is certainly a positive development, Durov acknowledged that there is still much work to be done in this area.
Looking ahead, Durov has high hopes for Telegram’s future trajectory. In an interview with the Financial Times earlier this year, he expressed his intention to take the company public at some point and achieve profitability by 2025. These ambitious goals are backed by the company’s recent efforts to expand its revenue streams and offerings.
Telegram has been actively exploring new opportunities for monetization, such as introducing features tailored for businesses, launching an ad revenue sharing service, and enabling creators to earn money through paid content on channels. Additionally, the company has unveiled a micro app store, providing users with a curated selection of apps and services within the Telegram ecosystem. These initiatives have been well-received by the platform’s user base, which currently boasts over 950 million monthly active users.
Overall, Telegram’s journey to profitability has been marked by innovation, strategic decision-making, and a strong commitment to its user community. As the company continues to expand its offerings and explore new revenue streams, it is well-positioned to achieve its long-term goals and cement its position as a leading player in the messaging app market.